How to Make People Buy Your Product through nice Packaging Design
“Packaging can be theater, it can create a story.”- Steve Jobs
What compels the buyer to buy your product? Buyers need a reason to choose your product over hundreds of other products placed next to yours. Therefore, it is necessary that your packaging clearly states its USPs in an eye-catching way. To achieve this, brands need to have a clear understanding of their competitors, the target consumer, spot-on color scheme, their target markets and how they differ from the competitors.
Survey of Competitors
A little hard work never hurt anyone. A detailed study of your competitors is the factor that should always be taken into consideration for packaging design before launching your product in the market. Competitor analysis is important because it gives us an idea of what works well in the market as such it’s a proven strategy. What works for them might work for you as well! But this does not mean copying your competitor. The aim is to obtain a generalized idea about how competitor’s products get mileage in consumer purchase, so you consider implementing in your brand packaging design.
Target Consumer
As your product is your baby, so know first how the buyer of your product is. Keep Target consumers in mind, consider what they like to purchase from retail display rack. Like say your product is lipstick then your consumer target is female consumers of age 18 to 38. So the packaging design of your brand must attract the female consumer with beautiful design and soft color range.
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